WHFD Holds Annual Sprinkler Refresher Training
By Lieutenant Christopher Koretski
July 28, 2015

On Tuesday July 28th the WHFD held it's annual sprinkler head refresher training in front of the fire station. This traditional summer training night exposes our members to the best practices on how to stop the flow from an activated sprinkler head. Using a prop build by Watch Hill Lieutenant Chris Tehan several years ago, this practical drill has proven helpful time and time again upon the activation of sprinkler systems within the district. Each participating firefighter used two methods to accomplish the task. First, the sprinkler clamp that is carried on all of the apparatus was used to completely stop the flow of water. Then the sprinkler door chock method using wooden door chocks was used to significantly restrict the flow. Everyone did a great job!

Special thanks to Fire Police Sergeant Bob Perkins for the photos.

Units: Engine 102, Engine 103